? CraigsPoster Pro Auto Poster 2025

📇 CraigsPoster Pro Last Updated: April 24th, 2019 | Ver. 19.0.4

Craigslist Auto Poster Flow ChartCraigsposter Pro works on Craigslist’s own database features to organically cycle all of your ads back up to the top. We also rely on Craigslist’s ad renew feature which has been employed for a few years now. This Craigslist auto ad renew feature was brought in as kind of a truce and an incentive by Craigslist to post your ads within the guidelines. They realized if they didn’t allow for some basic convenience for the majority of posters, that more of them would resort to desperate measures and buy an expensive subscription to a robot service that constantly hammers their servers with spam. To mitigate the constant abuse of their website by such renegade posting companies, Craigslist has decided to do away with the captchas required for reposting and renewing ads in order to convince its users to organically post ads instead.

Our Craigslist posting software works with Craigslist, not against it. We have enhanced the current version to operate up to 10 accounts at once. This way, each of all 10 accounts will be operating within Craigslist’s own guidelines, and only posting when Craigslist gives the ok. In this way, less ads are added to their database, and each of your accounts stays within their guidelines with this organic approach to top posting your Craigslist ads.

We have designed CraigsPoster Pro software to be considerate with a random variable so it does not attract attention from the Craigslist spam bot or create a detectable turing pattern in any way. We have been developing techniques and training individuals how to market on Craigslist successfully for years. It’s all we do. You can rest assured than your good name and good Craigslist PVA will stay that way when you use our software. There are no settings built into our system that will allow you to over post. We designed it to be maintenance free, once you set it, just leave it run, and it takes care of the rest. The only thing you need to be doing is add another ad to the rotation when you get a spare moment. Since its already logged into each of your accounts, that step is very quick and painless as well. Craigsposter Pro is designed based on how Craigslist works, and follows those rules with a high margin of safety and technology focused on preserving your Craigslist accounts.

We have also created a number of Addon Posting enhancement tools that are built into Craigsposter Pro in addition to the program. Visit the product description for a full list of these features.

The Trinity Bundle includes CraigsPoster Pro:

  • CraigsPoster Pro as described above.
  • CraigsFlagger Pro Auto Flagger software gives you both auto flagging engines, so you can choose which flag you would like to apply to the posts you select as your targets, Prohibited, or Reinforce. You can choose to flag yourself with Reinforce to defend your own posts by using this technique to cancel out negative flags, or you can choose to mark any group of ads you like as spam to help curb aggressive spammers.
  • Our CraigsTheme app is an addon for any CraigsFlagger Pro or CraigsPoster Pro package. CraigsTheme allows you to change the text / links / buttons to any of 32,000 different colors with a color picker for limitless combinations. You can also set your background image to anything you like, and center / stretch / tile it any way you like and adjust the opacity of the image so you can still see what you’re doing. CraigsFlagger Pro does come with a limited color picker and darken Theme, and this will replace that with limitless options to customize Craigslist until your hearts content.
  • FoxyRevolver Proxy Manager is a proxy management tool (not a proxy service) for making Firefox follow special proxy rules for connecting to the internet. FoxyRevolver was designed with CraigsFlagger Pro in mind to control the IP addresses and never get confused. This system can Revolve the Firefox IP based on the timer you set.
  • CraigsLive allows you to search Craigslist in any number of tabs, and always keep the newest results at the top of the page by silently refreshing the search results page endlessly unless you turn the feature off for that tab. There is a timer that allows between 5 seconds and 90 second checks to see if any content from your search results has since changed. This app is adjustable on a tab by tab basis, refresh only the tabs you need. Helps keep your Craigslist monitoring duties hands free.
  • CraigsTheme allows you to change the text / links / buttons to any of 32,000 different colors with a color picker for limitless combinations. You can also set your background image to anything you like, and center / stretch / tile it any way you like and adjust the opacity of the image so you can still see what you’re doing. CraigsFlagger Pro does come with a limited color picker and darken Theme, and this will replace that with limitless options to customize Craigslist until your hearts content.
  • CraigsAccounts allows you to add all of your Craigslist accounts to a handy drop down list built into the login page of Craigslist. You can select any account email and password combination and drop it into the login box. The secret part of the login page that Craigslist doesn’t want you to know, is they keep track of you with cookies each time you visit their site.Since you are not allowed to have more than one Craigslist account, you will get softblocked if you do not clear all your Craigslist cookies each time before you even visit the login page. CraigsAccounts clears all of your old Craigslist cookies, and it gets you new ones so you can login properly, every time. With this little app, every time you visit the Craigslist login page, you are a brand new visitor as far as Craigslist is aware. Very handy app, never worry about your cookies giving you away, or losing your login information for your various accounts again!
  • CraigsCookies is a simple cookie deleter add-on for deleting only the cookies on the page you are on, so you don’t erase your entire cache trying to keep your Craigslist activities private.

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⚡ Desktop Extension Requirements: ChromeYandexOpera & Windows, Linux, Mac.
⚡ Android Extension Requirements: YandexKiwi & Android Phone or Tablet.