Craigslist Software Restore / Update feature

Current Update Notices:

🏁📇➕🦊 Trinity Last Updated: April 24th, 2019 | Ver. 19.0.4
🦊 FoxyRevolver Last Updated: January 23rd, 2019 | Ver. 19.0.2
🏁 CraigsFlagger Pro Last Updated: April 24th, 2019 | Ver. 19.0.4
📇 CraigsPoster Pro Last Updated: April 24th, 2019 | Ver. 19.0.4

⚡ Please do not update new purchased software, it is already the current version when you install it.

⚡ For our clients who joined before Jan 2nd 2019 and did not update yet: The latest full update needs to be installed from our server directly from your Downloads area, and from then on, you may then use the built in update feature described below. New clients (after Jan 2, 2019) can disregard this note, and use the built in update feature.

updateOur software comes with a built in update / repair feature. You can access this feature anytime during your license period, if you had a bad windows crash etc, simply running our update / repair tool will repair your software. There is no need to ask us, or contact support to maintain your own software completely. If however, your update features don’t exist because you changed computers or operating systems, you will need to visit the store for a replacement. You get one installation on one machine once only. After that, you have your update / repair program to resolve anything you might need.

We have created brand new installers and updaters from the ground up that are error and glitch free and gave them a spanking new custom San Francisco Night theme. We added new tools to automate maintenance features and hid them where only you can find the new menu. We are considering removing our entire classic windows program directory since everything has been duplicated in this new menu, but we will continue to support it for now since many of our members have become accustomed to the old way of doing things.

In 2025 we have updated our entire project considerably, and rewritten all of our programs, instruction guides, and our entire website. We have made over 100 technical modifications in the latest release to improve overall user experience in every way!

Our new updates include:

Installers / Updaters

  • Automatic browser authentication, no more logging into Firefox to activate the software.
  • Our installers save your CLS credentials for use with the update feature, and also for all of our other installers.
  • You will enjoy faster more reliable installers, Trinity installs in as little as 7 seconds flat!
  • Over 100 of our own collection of Firefox tweaks, and loss prevention methods are automatically applied.
  • We auto freeze Firefox updates in case you forgot to freeze Firefox at version 🦊 Firefox 42 64-bit or Firefox 42 32-bit.
  • We force your browser to remember history, so your software can always auto authenticate.
  • We sped up Firefox by making dozens of reliability and speed enhancements for you.
  • We have our software install for all profiles and as many different Firefox installations you may have, regardless of the path.
  • We added a new menu of Craigslist Software tools since the Metro interface lacks intelligent design; just shift + right click the Desktop.
  • We bundled all of the apps from our App Store and included them in all of our current releases as features.
  • We tested every aspect of our new release more than one thousand times before releasing it until we were satisfied it was perfect.

CraigsFlagger Pro

  • We sped up the code for the flagger, and rewrote it entirely to reduce page load time and provide a flawless experience.
  • We increased the range of the flagger timers to 120 seconds for connection timeout and flag interval.
  • We fixed a bug that stopped the flagger from skipping over ads that cannot be flagged from that particular search location.
  • We fixed a bug that was hanging the flagger during auto ip changes, it just skips the ad its on, and gets it in the next cycle.
  • We have rewritten CraigsFlagger’s instructions entirely.
  • We integrated our new IP Tools into CraigsFlagger Pro.

CraigsPoster Pro

  • We added a Posting mode to CraigsPoster Pro so you can post from account to account quickly as it auto logs you into each.
  • We added an option to give each CraigsPoster Pro bot its own fake browser ID (user agent).
  • We added Geoip location information to each bot as it logs in, it checks and displays this information.
  • We have rewritten CraigsPoster’s instructions entirely.
  • We integrated our new IP Tools into CraigsPoster Pro.


  • We rebuilt FoxyRevolver from the ground up and made it perfectly compatible with the flagger as it cycles the ips.
  • We fixed a bug in the FoxyRevolver patterns feature so you can now assign different ips to different Craigslist regions.
  • We have rewritten FoxyRevolver’s instructions entirely to include features, patterns, advanced.
  • We integrated our new IP Tools into FoxyRevolver.


  • We amended all of our instructions to account for all of our recent changes & new features & addressed every contingency.
  • We have rebuilt our store software to give you a more reliable experience with a more modern interface.
  • We have created a responsive mobile theme so you can read the members pages with ease from your phone or tablet.
  • We have added an audio page reader to the website so you don’t have to read the tutorials, you can just push play & listen.

Ghostbusters Members Area

  • We have added 14 new Members videos, and used responsive design so you can watch them from your phone or tablet as well.
  • We have rewritten a number of articles to reflect changes in Craigslist and added videos to applicable sections.
  • We added a brand new collection of powerful members only IP Tools designed to help you collect & test IPs on your own.
  • We added several Firefox plugins for this version, and linked you to 300k + archived themes.
  • We added many new applications to our Bonus Software section.

Every bit of our systems are under constant maintenance, from the installers, to the updates, to the methods of installation, and the stability & reliability of your Firefox systems. We also redevelop our framework often to offer further enhancements, so you can experience higher security, and a better visual experience while surfing Craigslist. Our tutorials are being continuously reworked and enhanced to keep up with new Craigslist features and changes, and to add new technology or remove invalid technology from this project. If there is something we missed, please drop us a line 😉

Once you install the software, one of our tweaks, lies about your browser version, so you are not targeted by the websites you visit (Craigslist) as being in a specific browser or one of our clients. To double check your true version, just click the help link in the top menu bar, and click about. If you upgraded Firefox past version 🦊 Firefox 42 64-bit or Firefox 42 32-bit, no worries at all, just click the downgrade link in our members area and follow those instructions. If for any reason, your update has failed, contact support right away, and we will resolve this for you, usually the same day. Thank you all for your patience! If you have purchased any add-on apps, they can only be upgraded by contacting support for new links. Contact us if any of our software has failed to install for you, and we will remedy this.

CLS App Manager Restore / Update feature:

To update / repair your Craigslist Software, just choose one of the three locations of your Update / Restore features described below. This will install the latest version of our Craigslist Software into your system; provided you purchased your license after Monday the 12th of August, 2024 and not before. Be sure your browser version is 🦊 Firefox 42 64-bit or Firefox 42 32-bit.

For your infinite convenience, there are currently three different locations you can access to update / restore your Craigslist Software:

  1. your programs directory: Start >> All Programs >> CraigslistSoftware >> [your product] >> Update
  2. your Firefox toolbar: Click the dropdown menu beside the Ghostbusters icon and then select Update from the menu
  3. your Desktop Extended Context Menu: Click the desktop to focus your pointer there, then hold the shift key and right click

General Update / Repair Procedure:

  • Update / Restore features are built into your software, you can access them any time.
  • MANDATORY! Verify you are now using 🦊 Firefox 42 64-bit or Firefox 42 32-bit
  • Find the update link by any of the three aforementioned procedures.
  • If the Update feature did not work, please try the other two update locations.
  • If you have read this guide, the Welcome page & Beginners Guide, & still have issues, please contact support by using our contact form.
  • If you were specifically instructed to download your update from your account, you can find it on your downloads page.
  • We do not provide free updates if you have bought your license before Monday the 12th of August, 2024.

⚡ These are general instructions only, Please review the specific guide for your software as it includes product specific activation, configuration and usage instruction. Hover over the Guides link in the main navigation bar.

Craigslist Flagging & Posting tools menu

If you are running a “Metro” version of windows which removed the programs directory in your windows machine, you can easily restore this feature by installing this wonderful free program: Windows Classic Shell, or you can use our new menu illustrated below:

firefox Craigslist software menuDue to the limitations of the Windows 10 Metro interface, we have elected to create a different menu of tools and shortcuts conveniently built right into your shell. In the latest version of Craigslist Flagging and Posting software, click on the desktop where there are no files or folders to change the focus of the pointer to the desktop. Then hold the shift key, and right click the desktop. You must hold the shift key, and you must not have any other files selected / focused when you right click the desktop. The Desktop Extended Context Menu pops up, and at the top of it, you will find our new menu with a variety of Craigslist posting and flagging tools.

  • Activate: will perform the plugin activation steps automatically if your system is configured to allow it to.
  • CraigsFlagger Pro: Launches Firefox and visits a search page to display the flagging software. (if you purchased it)
  • CraigsPoster Pro: Launches CraigsPoster Pro. (if you purchased it)
  • Freeze Firefox: will change your profile prefs to add the icons into the toolbar as they are depicted in our toolbar images, it deletes the Firefox Updaters, and any pending updates it began downloading, and it copies our Firefox configuration file to the correct spots which will prevent it from updating.
  • Reset all options: deletes all of your user preferences for CraigsFlagger Pro, CraigsPoster Pro including all the timers, schedule and Craigslist accounts you added in the event there is a data corruption in the settings files due to a bad shutdown.
  • Login: logs you into the Ghostbusters Members area automatically.
  • Update will update the core files of the most recent Craigslist Flagging or Posting software you installed.
  • Facebook: links you to our Facebook page.
  • YouTube : links you to our YouTube channel. Not all of our content is visible from YouTube, you must login and view our members only videos from our website.

We do continue to add a similar set of links to your program directory, including your software updater. Use Classic Shell if you don’t have a start menu / programs directory to access the windows legacy program directory.

In Summary

We sell our software by each download, no matter what the reason if you changed / damaged your system in a manor which has disabled your CLS App Manager Restore / Update feature a new license is required. We clarify this upfront in the following documents:

  • on this page right here
  • in our Terms of Use
  • in the License Agreement
  • in the Beginners Guide
  • in the Welcome email
  • in the license terms of the software you installed that you agreed to and put a check-mark in the box to continue installing it.

When Craigslist does an update to their systems or website that affect the function of our software, we fix it for free and update you with the new version for 6 months from your original purchase. We also continue to update and enhance all of our related apps, websites, software, tutorials and videos to serve you better.

When Craigslist makes a change, we find that out only after that fact, we get no warning. All we can do is respond after the fact. Updates are free for 6 months. When critical updates are required, we will post the notice clearly on this page. Thanks again for your patience!

If your license with us is still valid, (less than 6 months old), you may access your free update and replace non working Craigslist software. If your expired (purchased before Monday the 12th of August, 2024), and want to buy it again, you can grab it again from our store.  If the CLS Restore / Update feature still is not resolving your issue, then please contact support by using our contact form, and we will get you fixed up with a free replacement right away!