CraigslistSoftware Cookie Policy

craigslive featureA cookie is a small text file containing information that a website transfers to your computer’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. It does not contain chocolate chips, you cannot eat it and there is no hidden cookie jar.

The cookie settings on this website are set to ‘allow all cookies’ to give you the very best experience. Cookies also enable you to use shopping carts and to personalize your experience on our sites, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, help us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give us insights into user behavior so we can improve our communications and products. Our cookies also allow you to login to our website, access your membership and use our software without having to constantly manually re-enter your credentials.

How we use the information we collect is covered extensively in our privacy policy, but the short version is, we never disclose or sell any information to anyone, ever.One of our products, CraigsCookies, included in each software suite for free assists you with preventing websites such as Craigslist from using cookies to spy on your interactions with their website, and manipulate your experience. We are firmly against such activities, our entire website and concept is based upon this very principal, Craigslist’s abuse of cookies. You can download CraigsCookies in our Free Members Area as a token of our commitment to your online privacy and security.

CraigsPoster Pro, CraigsFlagger Pro, Reinforcer, CraigsAccounts, CraigsPrivacy and CraigsCookies are all Craigslist cookie managers first, the automation is entirely secondary and would be quite useless without the Craigslist cookie management aspect of their function. You cannot just turn off cookies for Craigslist, or wipe them all as you use it, you need to have the correct cookies in place as they expect to find them or your Craigslist experience will be severely diminished. This is what all other ‘similar’ software fails to account for (pardon the pun :).